Sunday, February 2, 2014

Phillip Kindred Dick

Can you exist in two realities?  Well if realities are just layers, like clothing you can.  Phillip K. Dick was a futuristic writer, and actually made some of the blueprints for making androids in his books. He outlined and made "Frubber," which is face rubber which is used to make androids faces appear more human.

He also raises a unique question if all memories are real.

His twin died at birth. This probably is one of the attributes that caused him to go into science fiction.

What makes a person that person?

"Could virtual reality ever become to real? It could become an unhealthy escape from everyday life. When technology invades the mind, even are own thoughts are no escape."

A detailed record of your life is monitored

He had a vision when a girl knocked on his door with some religious literture

He believes his visions give him precognition of the future.

Minority report is happening all ready.

He's the first to write about Parrelell universes?

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