Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Golda Meir (May 3, 1898-December 8, 1978)

Born Golda Mabovitch, in Kiev, Russia, she and her family immigrated to Milwaukee, WI, in 1905. In 1921, Meir married Morris Meyerson (she officially Hebraized her name from Meyerson to Meir in th 1950s) and they immagrated to Palestine and joined a kibbutz, a communal settlement. In 1924, the couple moved to Jerusalem and had two children. Always politically active, Meir was elected Prime Minister of Israel in 1969, after serving as minister of labor and foriegn minister. She was the world's fourth and Israeli's first and only woman to hold such an office. Meir was often referred to as the "Iron Lady" of Israeli politics.

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