Saturday, November 19, 2022

Charles III

On September 8, 2022, following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles ascended to the throne of the United Kingdom and its Commonwealth realms. For the first time in most of their lives, the British found themselves ruled over by a king, with even the words of their national anthem changed — after 70 years of “God Save the Queen” — to reflect the new male monarch. The actual coronation of King Charles III is set to take place on May 6, 2023, with all the pomp and circumstance associated with the British royal family. Despite being new to the throne, Charles III is a very familiar figure among the British people; now approaching his mid-70s, Charles has been in the public eye for a long time. He is known for having strong opinions on subjects ranging from gardening to architecture to food, and, most importantly, the climate crisis — an issue he began championing long before it became a mainstream subject. His outspoken nature has sometimes ruffled feathers. For example, he called climate skeptics “the headless chicken brigade,” and compared a new extension on the National Gallery to “a carbuncle on the face of an old and valued friend.” Charles’ position, his well-documented and ultimately tragic marriage to Princess Diana, his sense of humor, and his eccentricities (he famously talks to plants) have made him a divisive figure, loved and lambasted in equal measure. Whether he becomes a popular king — no easy thing following the impressive reign of Elizabeth II — is yet to be seen. But Charles has much in common with his late mother, including her intelligence, fortitude, and essential sense of humor. Here are some of the new king’s most famous quotes from the last few decades, touching on everything from the nature of royalty to the global climate crisis and, of course, vegetables.

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