Sunday, January 26, 2014

HG Wells

"Tomorrow begins with a spark of imagination, the flash insight that shows yesterday limitations and inspires technologies to create new worlds."HG Wells

Herbert George Wells was an artist in the science fiction genra. With his mind blowing advances in thechnology and science in drastic detail, he was haunted by the will of the possiblity of mankind annihilating itself. He had novel prophtic visions of the human race causing their own extinction.

His brother gave him the idea for
The War of the Worlds which was colonizing a peaceful people, the Stenis. While Wells predicted a new type of Warfare as well. Nineteen years later Wells described heatwaves in the book. Einstein has theoretical proof of the idea. A strong lasers that can destroy aircrafts are still being prepare. One can still suffer annihilation from other weaker agent.

He is one of the first to come up with "wormhole." Which in essence meant that you are going faster in less time. Going back in time is a possibility, but you'll have time loops, utterly messing up history, by your very presents there. You could start a ripple effect where the present is impossible.

The Grandfather Paradox which thus means if you go back and kill your grandfather, you would never have been born. So how could it of takin place.

He invented a cloaking field which he called a "Meta Field," but it is a very small, which is now a major theory.

Island Manro-chamira sheep have human stem cells injected certain organs are usable by humans, which inspired "Next" by Michael Crichton.

In the 1920s he advocate for peace. He traveled to Russia for on a mission of peace.

Wells then got involved with cinema putting his own stories into movie strips
He sees science as mans most powerful tool, but warns us to use it wisely. Herbert died on August 13, 1979.

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