Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Robert Heinlein

Science fiction is usually a precursor to pure science. Robert is known as one the father of social science fiction. He  saw  technology controling lives ending society. In a way he was correct because it improved society greatly. His works were nfluenced by current events.

He had contradictory beliefs that the military could play good role and served in Annapolis, Maryland. After his service he got his first job writing scifi in magazine. His fantasies luckily returned and his ability to write about current event in outlandish way.

Robert Heinlein wrote war story about communism such as Starship Troopers. North American Aerospace Defense Command(NORAD) was 7 miles from his Los Angelos home was helpful. Annapolis military carreer short lived. The Puppet Masters was a story about his military career. It also gave him the idea of bionic man gear.

Robert Heinlein was a great inspiration to "The They Shall Walk," movement that give paralyzed people the gift of walking. This is a non-profit organization. It is developing a robotic brace called a life-suit. Then on this subject he writes Stranger in Strage Land.

Robert Heinlein even works on another one of his dreams a hybrid habitat live on moon, which has not come into full fruitipn as of yet. This hapitat has been invented and has both some hard sections and some soft sections. It opens up like a slinky. It even has an airlock to prevent oxygen from escaping when astronauts vacate. So far it is only possibe for going up for approximately a two month mission.

Robert Heinlein predicted cyber space, but died before he saw it in fruition. He died in May 8, 1981 dies in sleep.

Jules Verne
Jules Verne is another famous predictor of the wonders of the future. He still challenges us to see how tomorrow begins with today.

Verne was school dropout. He was realized by Pierre Jules Hetzel. The space shuttles really inspired him.  He imagined cannon that shoots fuel into space.

Vernes imagination was not limited to space exploration.  He thought of  electric bullets.

He predicted the use of hydrogen cell engines by 2020 where the fuel cell of the hydrogen car would be like battery. The exhaust would be pure water.

His books were so dramatic that the endings were changed by editor. He
predicted propellor technology.

Jules was shot in 1886 but survived. However the editor that helped make his books less dramatic died a few weeks later. His stories then turn dark and dismal. He destroys his unpublished works. On March 16, 1995 he dies of a diabetic attack. Over 5000 people attend his funeral.

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